I've been thinking more and more lately about the types of people I know,
I love being around those that fill their lives with art.
It gives me inspiration;
It gives me hope to be better at what I do.
Artists really do play off each other.
We all learn from seeing another's work.
Watching another in action.
Whether it be photography, music or artwork.
It's fun to learn together,
And not to feel embarrassed if you fail.
Because you can't fail - it's art.
Seeing the beauty in everything.
Sometimes though I don't feel like an artist.
I lie on my bed and cry out for passion.
Can you suffer from 'writers block' in every aspect of art?
I think I do, I really think I do.
That's also hard;
When again, I see those around me.
Constantly displaying their art.
I am so lost in it.
Rather, I don't want to see it.
I don't want to hear it.
Now here I am so aggravated,
Hating it.
Maybe I'm not a true artist,
Others show more passion and enthusiasm.
Maybe it's just artists block.